Irreplaceable at Workhouse Center for the Arts

2023-06-07T12:29:32+00:00May 10, 2023|

What I reflect on with regards to climate change is my own naiveté. I began reading about the subject and meeting environmental activists over 30 years ago. My spouse equivalent now husband was working as an environmental activist and introduced me to a number of “big brain” activists who were sounding the alarm. I was naive because I never thought that the planet would be where it is today.

Extreme weather, the loss of ecosystems, the loss of beloved species.

It’s all here. It’s all now.

Sally Kauffman’s paintings can be viewed as beautiful works of art. You can enjoy them solely on the basis of her skill as a painter. I see them as a memorial that may lead to increased awareness of the level of loss. The hope is that awareness leads to action.

Sally’s show at Workhouse Center for the Arts continues through June 11th in the McquireWoods Gallery – W16.

I encourage a visit to the exhibit. Please reach out at with questions.